Dear Educator,
In the shadows of educational demands that require schools to do more with less, making the right classroom technology choice can be a challenging decision for any school district. Let us take the guess work out for you.
Promethean and AceApplications LLC invite you to learn how interactive classroom solutions can achieve measurable results in student achievement. This free seminar is designed to provide you with innovative ways to implement 21st Century Classrooms in your school or district. Filled with concrete examples and interactive demonstrations, this informative event will help you obtain the knowledge you need to create model learning environments for today’s digitally native student.
Join us Thursday, February 23, 2012 to learn more about choosing, organizing, and integrating our research-based interactive technology in your school. Morning session 10 a.m. – 12 noon (for K-12 educators) and afternoon session 2 p.m. – 4 p.m. (for Higher Ed Educators). Attend the session that best fits your needs.
- Keys to success in a 21st Century learning environment
- Innovative methods to measure, analyze, and report student progress
- Formative assessment strategies to benchmark the progress of students
- Sound research to substantiate positive effects of the Promethean ActivClassroom
- Interactive tools to supplement instructional strategies that have a high probability of promoting positive student achievement
Superintendents, Curriculum Directors, School Principals, Assistant Principals, Technology Directors, Technology Coordinators, and any persons responsible for instructional technology decision making.